Become a Millionaire or Billionaire isn't my dream. My dream is I can spend how much money whatever I want.
If, I get 1,000 dollar by today and I can spend it all by today. Then, tomorrow I get another 1,000 dollar again and spend it all again. Without consider anything.
If someone give you 1,000 dollar, do you can spend all of it by a day? The answer is YES. We can go shopping to buy a new jacket, go to starbuck drink coffee with friends, buy some jewels, give 100 dollar to mother, and many more. Isn't it we spend 1,000 dollar a day is a every easy job? Even though they give us ten thousand or a hundred thousand, we still manage to spend it all right?
But, if someone keep giving you 1,000 thousand everyday for a week, a month, a year or everyday of our life, do you still can manage to spend every 1,000 thousand by a day?